Oxford University Pick Up Ice Hockey Club
Beginner-friendly, non-competitive, late night stick-and-puck fun!
Twice-A-Week Pick Up Ice Hockey Sessions
£1 Skate Hire
available at the rink
Beginners Welcome
even if you’ve never skated before!
We play strictly non-contact, use an extra-light puck, and have some additional rules so people can play safely without protective equipment. We also supply hockey sticks (although of course you’re free to bring your own if you have one).
tl;dr you can play pick up ice hockey, non-professionally, without needing any equipment of your own! Just bring yourself (and a method of payment <3)
Alts is a club that aims to provide a fun and inclusive environment to meet new people through the means of playing a new sport. If you’re looking for fun and something new, why not give it a go?

Contact us
Feel free to message us on any of the below if you have any questions or concerns, or just want to chat- we don’t bite (promise!)
Also check the Facebook page for updates on socials, events and general pick up ice hockey fun. We sometimes run themed nights, like Halloween night and pyjama night, which you don’t want to miss out on!
Email - altsicehockeyox@gmail.com
Facebook - Alts Oxford University Pick Up Ice Hockey Club
Instagram - altsicehockeyoxford